Meter Calibration Recertification

  • Stock Status: In stock


Most manufacturers recommend a functional calibration or recertification every two years. This is computed from the date of first use (customer delivery) or from the date of the meter calibration certificate included in the original purchase if delivery records do not exist. LBA keeps a serial number record of each monitor that it sells and its shipment date. LBA customers can check their shipment-based recalibration date by contacting LBA if it is not posted on the monitor.

Currently, we are able to perform meter calibration recertification for the following TrewMac devices: TE3000, TE3001 and TE3002. The TE1000 is no longer supported. We will make an attempt to calibrate a TE1000, but if we are unable, it will be returned at no charge, other than shipping cost.

Please enter the serial number(s) for the unit to be recalibrated. For multiple units please separate with a semicolon


Product Description

LBA Group, a globally recognized leader in technology and engineering solutions, offers the most reliable test instruments and meter Calibration Recertification service.

Experience our dedicated lab, where skilled iNARTE-certified EMC engineers verify the precise functionality of your TrewMac TE devices. We understand the critical role these devices play in empowering your organization to maintain day-to-day activities, which is why we ensure accuracy and reliability with our meticulous calibration services. Trust us to leave no room for errors, so you can focus on your operations with confidence.

With 60+ years of experience, LBA Group has earned the trust of industries worldwide, setting the standard for excellence in RF Safety, Lightning Protection, Antenna Systems, and Engineering Solutions. Our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction shines through in every aspect of our service.

Currently, we are able to perform meter calibration recertification for the following TrewMac devices: TE3000, TE3001 and TE3002. The TE1000 is no longer supported. We will make an attempt to calibrate a TE1000, but if we are unable, it will be returned at no charge, other than shipping cost.

What is included in the Meter Calibration Recertification?

  • Thorough Physical Examination: Each submitted test instrument undergoes a comprehensive physical inspection to ensure it is in optimal condition.
  • Precise Function Testing: Our expert technicians carefully replace batteries and test each device’s functionality, ensuring it meets the manufacturer’s specifications.
  • Rigorous Measuring Testing: The meter instruments undergo rigorous testing using certified TrewMac software and procedures, ensuring precise readings and reliable performance.
  • Clear Pass-Fail Record: Following successful recertification, a date sticker is applied, and you may receive a detailed pass-fail record of all tests conducted.
  • Seamless Returns: Your recertified meter device, along with all necessary documentation, is promptly returned, ready to be put back into service.

What is NOT included?

  • Repairs: Please note that our Meter Calibration Recertification does not cover repairs. However, if your meter requires repairs, we strive to provide you with the most cost-effective solution. Our customer support team will promptly provide you with a detailed quote for the necessary fixes, ensuring a budget-friendly approach to maintaining your equipment. Rest assured, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.
  • Shipping to LBA Lab Facility: After purchasing a calibration service, ship your device to
    LBA One Source Lab
    Order #XXXXXX
    3400 Tupper Drive,
    Greenville, NC 27834

What does recertification cost?

  • Cost-Effective Solution: We believe that accurate measurements and readings shouldn’t come at a steep price. With our $450.00 per meter fee, which includes return shipping within the US, you can ensure the accuracy of your measurements without breaking the bank.
  • Bulk Submittal Discounts: Enjoy even more savings with our discounted rates for bulk quantity submittals. Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Flexible Scheduling: We understand the importance of minimizing disruptions to your operations, which is why we offer flexible scheduling options and fast calibration recertification services.
  • $225 Rebate Policy: If your meter fails recertification and you choose to purchase a replacement unit from LBA, you will receive a $225 rebate credit toward the purchase of a new meter from LBA OneSource.

Who can perform calibration recertifications?

The services of a specially equipped laboratory are required to verify that the operation of a personal RF monitor is within the manufacturer’s specifications. Because the occupational MPEs monitored represent high levels of RF power, this circumstance must be duplicated in the lab. Each recertification requires a high-power amplifier, a specially calibrated antenna, a monitor positioning device, and a shielded enclosure – an unusual and pricey set of equipment. Lab personnel must also be familiar with personal RF monitors and have access to the manufacturer’s data.

LBA Group maintains a lab facility suitable to test TrewMac devices: TE3000, TE3001 and TE3002. Meter tests are supervised by iNARTE-certified EMC engineers. LBA believes its facility to be the only one specifically dedicated to these instruments. Other labs having suitable equipment, but not regularly testing these monitors, may be expected to charge several times LBA’s rates for one-off setups.

For more information about monitor calibration and recertification please click here to visit our calibration information page over at